mental health art by Mary


Mary’s Story

Mary* was a 15-year-old who struggled with mental illness. Her thoughts and emotions were so affected sometimes that she lost contact with reality. Before her struggles grew, she excelled in her schoolwork, music, art, and dance, and even worked in her family business. Eventually, she was struggling in all aspects of her life – at school, in relationships, and at home with her family.

Luckily, she found herself at Surrey Memorial Hospital and started doing art therapy. In the program, Mary created a painting that depicted a difficult path leading out of a dense forest. Lights along the path represented the people who helped her along her way – doctors, parents, nurses and counsellors. As the road widens in the painting, it leads eventually back into the light.

Mary understood that her time in the hospital – and the day she was discharged – are just steps on her ongoing journey. She also knows that our team will be here for her if she ever needs us again.

Did You Know?

  • Nearly half of BC’s children live in our Fraser Health community.
  • Half of all lifetime cases of mental illnesses begin as early as age 14.
  • In British Columbia, suicide is the second leading cause of death amongst those ages 15-24.

But You Can Help

At Surrey Hospitals Foundation, we continue on our mission to raise equitable and excellent healthcare for our community at all our facilities and across all pillars of care. That’s why we are reaching out to you with a special ask to support the vital role mental health plays in our lives.

With your gift, you’ll fund life-changing healthcare in Surrey, like:

  • Art, music, and physical recreation therapy … found to be incredibly successful in helping children assess and communicate their inner thoughts and feelings.
  • Renovations and upgrades to our 10-bed Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Stabilization Unit
  • The Surrey Memorial Hospital Youth Mental Health Transition Team – supporting children and youth from hospital care to community care.

Whether directly or indirectly, each of us has been touched by the ripple effects of mental health challenges. Your generosity allows us to provide vital resources and support to those in need, ensuring that no one faces their journey alone. You are helping make a difference.


*Mary’s name has been changed for confidentiality.