Czorny Alzheimer Centre opened in 2007, and is named after Michael Czorny, the father of Surrey benefactor Marilyn Stewart. Marilyn and her family watched Michael battle the disease for nine years, and in memory of him and his wife Nancy (his primary caregiver), they provided the land and donated $10 million in capital funding. The facility offers a safe home for 72 dementia patients.

Through the visionary leadership of Marilyn and her husband, Chick, the space is specially designed to provide both psychological security and comfort. Located in a quiet rural setting, this long-term care home, consisting of six, 12-room cottage living spaces, is tranquil by design: the architecture reflects an innovative, holistic, person-centred approach to dementia care.

Surrey Hospitals Foundation was gifted Czorny Alzheimer Centre in 2017.

Learn more about Czorny Alzheimer Centre and the vision of Marilyn and Chick in the video below:


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