
通過第二屆的『健康人生』籌款活動,我們共同籌得 $312,575 的善款支持素里紀念醫院的兒童及青少年心理健康項目!

Thank you to everyone for supporting our 2022 Good Health Telethon and Radiothon! Together, we raised over $312,000 in support of children and youth mental health programs at Surrey Memorial Hospital.


今年,素里醫院基金會向社區各界籌募四十萬元的善款, 支持素里紀念醫院的兒童及青少年心理健康項目。捐助者的捐款將獲得當地房地產公司, 培新集團 Peterson 提供的『一對一』等額捐贈,上限二十萬元。

素里紀念醫院是菲沙衛生區域內的急性兒童及青少年精神保健中心。 菲沙衛生區內的所有其他 12間醫院將評估他們的年輕患者, 之後轉到素里紀念醫院的各個兒童及青少年精神部門接受治療和護理。這裡有四個兒童和青少年心理健康項目, 分別是:

  • 短期評估反應治療 (START)
  • 兒童及青少年精神穩定部門 (CAPSU)
  • 青少年精神部門 (APU)
  • 青少年日間治療中心 (ADTP)


  • 支持翻新一個青少年日間治療中心(ADTP)的戶外庭院。這個庭院位於素里紀念醫院對面的Shirley Dean Pavilion,允許青少年進行園藝和其他多種有效治療性實踐活動
  • 支持非常重要的治療項目例如音樂療法和藝術療法。 音樂和藝術療法能夠幫助年輕患者更深入地了解他們的內心感受並表達出來;和
  • 還有更多。

關於 ADTP 的戶外庭院

青少年日間治療中心 (ADTP) 位於已建成超過 40年的 Shirley Dean Pavilion。 由於建築物內部空間不足,室外庭院是進行許多活動和治療的額外空間。青少年日間治療中心裡面的庭院是一個多功能場所,可進行許多活動,包括戶外健身、園藝、種植蔬果和進行戶外團體治療。 從這些活動中,年輕患者學習如何種植不同的蔬果食材以及烹飪這些食材作為他們的午餐。 他們通過這些機會, 體驗到如何照顧植物並了解到開始一個項目和完成它的重要性。 親眼目睹項目的成果可以讓年輕人感到自豪和有成就感。這些體驗是有助他們的康復。

現在的庭院目前這個地方已經變得殘舊,需要翻新。它不是為了承受炎熱和寒冷的天氣條件而建造的。 很多植物無法生存。 這裡沒有存儲空間、溫室、覆蓋區域和座位。 所有這些看似簡單的物品都是心理健康計劃裡的重要元素。

您的捐款將把這個地方變成一個美麗的治療空間,可以讓年輕人感到放鬆、安全和平靜。我們需要您的幫助來完成這個項目。 我們正在與當地公司 McElhanney 合作進行翻新。

有興趣贊助這個活動嗎? 請聯繫 Alice.Ng@fraserhealth.ca 了解詳情。


Support Children and Youth Mental Health on October 22

This year, Surrey Hospitals Foundation is raising $400,000 to support children and youth mental health programs at Surrey Memorial Hospital. Proceeds will be matched by Peterson, a local real estate company, up to $200,000.

Surrey Memorial Hospital is the regional centre for acute children and youth mental health care within Fraser Health Authority. All other 12 hospitals in Fraser Health assess their young patients and then transfer them to different children and youth mental health programs at Surrey Memorial Hospital to receive treatment and care. There are four children and youth mental health programs here:

  • Short Term Assessment Response Treatment (START)
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Stabilization Unit (CAPSU)
  • Adolescent Psychiatric Unit (APU)
  • Adolescent Day Treatment Program (ADTP)

Funds raised through this event will support children and youth mental health initiatives that are not currently supported by the government including:

  • Support for the renovation of the outdoor courtyard at the Shirley Dean Pavilion (housing ADTP). It allows youth to learn gardening and take part in many other therapeutic activities.
  • Support for important therapy programs such as music and art therapy. Music and art therapy help young patients better understand their inner feelings and express them.
  • And much more.

About the ADTP Courtyard

The Adolescent Day Treatment Program (ADTP) courtyard is located at the Shirley Dean Pavilion, which is well over 40 years old. Because of the lack of space inside the building, the outdoor courtyard is an additional space where many activities and treatments take place. The courtyard is a multi-purpose place that includes an outdoor gym, a vegetable garden and outdoor space for group therapy. From these activities, young patients learn how to grow vegetables and fruits and prepare meals as their lunch. They get the opportunity to experience how to take care of plants and learn the importance of starting and finishing a project. Witnessing the results of a project helps young patients feel proud and fulfilled. These experiences are instrumental in their recovery.

The current courtyard is old and outdated. It is not built to sustain hot and cold weather conditions. Many plants cannot survive. There is no storage space, greenhouse, covered area and seating. All of these seemingly simple items are important elements to the mental health programs.

Your donations will transform this area into a beautiful and therapeutic space where youth can feel relaxed, safe and calm as they recover. We need your help to complete this project. We are working together with local company, McElhanney for the renovation.

Interested in sponsoring this event? Please contact Alice.Ng@fraserhealth.ca for details.

Matching Sponsor 等額捐贈贊助:



Silver Sponsor 銀贊助:



Bronze Sponsor 銅贊助:
Patsy Hui RE/MAX Westcoast
Canada Youwin Health

Media Sponsors 傳媒贊助:





Sponsors 捐款熱線贊助: