
素里醫院基金會與新時代電視和‎加拿大中文電台AM1470/FM96.1合作舉辦首個活動 – 「素里醫院基金會資訊日」。

在整個活動中,會有不同的醫生和基金會的代表接受訪問, 讓您能夠了解更多關於素里紀念醫院的服務,特色和醫療團隊。基金會也會與觀眾分享他們的工作範疇以及資助的醫療設施和項目。醫生還會講解從疫情開始到目前, 醫院的團隊以及基金會如何並肩作戰, 攜手創造佳績。


你們每一份的支持對醫護人員和病人都充滿著巨大的影響力。 請與我們攜手為社區出一份力,提升醫護服務,讓更多病人受惠!


目前,您對「新冠狀病毒緊急應變基金」的所有捐款都將達到配對作用, 上限 $100,000。 今天立即捐款!

Tune in on May 16th!

On May 16, 2021, Surrey Hospitals Foundation is partnering with Fairchild Television and Radio for the inaugural Surrey Hospitals Foundation Information Day.

Throughout this event, physicians and representatives from Surrey Hospitals Foundation will share details about Surrey Memorial Hospital, its unique services, and the excellent medical teams. You will gain a better understanding of the Foundation, as well as what we have accomplished together during this unprecedented time. All interviews will be presented in Mandarin and/or Cantonese on different channels.

Your support is always appreciated and impactful. Please join us to make a difference in our community. Together, we are unstoppable!


All donations to the COVID-19 Response Fund are currently being matched up to $100,000​. Donate today.

TV Interview Schedule

On Fairchild TV1 “What’s On” 新時代電視 – 熒幕八爪娛 (廣東話):

Dr. Patrick Wong, Head of Medicine & Infectious Diseases Specialist, SMH 黃浩本醫生, 素里紀念醫院內科部門主管及細菌及傳染科專科醫生

May 16 at 7:40pm
May 19 at 9:55am

On Talentvision “Urban Life” 城市電視 – 城市串吧 (普通話):

Dr. Lawrence Yang, Chairman of the SMH Medical Staff Wellness Committee, SMH 素里紀念醫院醫務人員健康委員會主席

May 15 at 4:55pm and 8:00pm
May 16 at 11:00am
May 17 at 12:50pm

Radio Interview Schedule:

On AM1470 (廣東話):

Dr. Lawrence Yang, Chairman of the SMH Medical Staff Wellness Committee, SMH 素里紀念醫院醫務人員健康委員會主席

May 10, 12, 14 at 7:55am
May 11, 13 at 10:15am

On FM 96.1 (普通話):

Dr. Christine Wang, Hospitalist, 王醫生

May 10, 12, 14 at 4:55pm
May 11, 13 at 6:55pm